The IDA U.P. State Dental Journal is a peer reviewed online journal published quaterly with the aim of publishing original full-length research articles, reviews and case reports pertinent to dentistry. Issue contents are available online.
Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts that are being submitted should be complete in all respects, and deal with original material not previously published, or being considered for publication elsewhere. The original, written in English, complete with tables and/or figures, should be uploaded on the website along with the mandatory submission form. The preferred storage medium is a file in MS Word (Windows) format, although other systems may also be welcomed.
If accepted, the manuscript should not be published elsewhere in the same form, in either the same or another language, without the consent of the Editor. Manuscripts should accompany mandatory submission form signed by all the authors. The form is available for download from the website of the journal.
Manuscripts that reveal a lack of proper, ethical consideration for human subjects or experimental animals will not be accepted for publication. Manuscripts should be accompanied by a statement that all efforts were made to minimize animal suffering, to reduce the number of animals used, and to utilize alternatives to in vivo techniques, if available.
Conflict of Interest
All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations
Style of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be typewritten with double-spacing (at least 6 mm between lines) on A4 size (21 × 29.5 cm) with ample margins (at least 2.5 cm) on all four sides. Number pages at bottom, as follows:
Page 1 Title Page : complete title; first name, middle initial, surname of each author with academic affiliations; mailing address, phone and FAX numbers, and e-mail address of corresponding author for editorial correspondence
Page 2 Abstract : not more than 200 words, followed by 3 to 6 keywords.
Beginning on page 3 : Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figures with legends. All pages should be numbered consecutively and stored in one file, the title page being page 1.
Give manufacturer's name and location (city, country) in parentheses for reagents and instruments.Quantitative results must be supported by appropriate experimental design, statistical tests, and P values.
References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text. References should include the beginning and ending page numbers. Identify references in the text, table and figure legends by Arabic numbers in parentheses such as (1), (2,3), and (1,3,4-8). Use the style of the examples below. Abbreviations of journals should conform to those of Index Medicus.
Manuscript accepted but not published may be cited in the reference list by placing "(in press)" after the abbreviated title of the journal. Manuscripts written in languages other than English should be limited. Cite unpublished work as such in the text. Personal communication should be acknowledged in the text and accompanied by written permission. The author(s) has(ve) the responsibility for correct citation of the references.
Sample References
De Jager N, Pallav P, Feilzer AJ (2005) Finite element analysis model to simulate the behavior of luting cements during setting. Dent Mater 21, 1025-1032
Mikami A (2007) Comparative evaluation of metal priming agents applied for bonding of magnetic stainless steel with acrylic repair resin. J Oral Sci. (in press)
Avoid referencing abstracts if possible. If unavoidable, reference as follows :
Ando M, Eckert GJ, Zero DT (2008) Longitudinal assessment of dynamic process of caries lesion with microfocus computed tomography. Caries Res 42, 1204. (Abstract)
Sternberger LA (1979) Immunocytochemistry. 2nd ed, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 5-31
Mastronarde DN, Laninsky MS, McIntosh JR (1997) Superthin serial sectioning for high-resolution 3-D reconstruction of cellular structures. In: Proceedings of microscopy and microanalysis 1997, Vol 3, Suppl,
2, Bailey GW, Dimlich RVW, Alexander KB, McCarthy JJ, Pretlow TP eds, Springer, New York, 221-222.
International Organization for Standardization (2000) Dentistry -- Polymer-based filling, restorative and luting materials. ISO 4049:2000, Geneve.
Health Policy Bureau Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan (1995) Reports on the survey of dental disease. Oral Health Association, Tokyo, 156-258. (in Japanese)
Ibaragi K, Kazama H, Oguri M (2003) Dental catalyst for chemical polymerization and use thereof. US Patent 6660784, Dec 9
Figures and tables
Each illustration should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers and accompanied by a legend clearly describing it. All illustrations must be submitted in a form and condition suitable for reproduction. Each table should be clearly titled and provided with a comprehensive legend. Statistical measures of variation, SD, SEM etc. should be identified. Tables should be numbered separately in Arabic numbers (Table 1, 2 etc.)
Case reports
The journal also publishes case reports dealing with novel approaches towards restorative treatment or represent new disease entities or cases with a highly unusual appearance or extremely rare cases. The authors should describe in the discussion section of the report about what makes the case interesting and novel from past reports. Include the necessary documentations (clinical photograph, radiograph, microscopic figure, etc)
Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. Only printer's errors must be corrected; no change in, or additions to, the edited manuscript will be allowed at this stage. The corrected proofs must be returned within 2 days of receipt by e-mail accompanied by high quality photograph of the author. If the Editor receives no reply after approximately 2 weeks, the assumption will be made that there are no errors to correct and the article will be published after in-house correctionDownload Mandatory Submission form
