Publication to create
awareness and interest in dentistry

Promoting scientific research in the fields of dentistry
through Scientific Articles in Journal

Free online dental journal for
Registered Members

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    We are inviting research/article papers for its 3rd issue of Volume 4

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    Volume 4 Issue No. 1 & 2 is published online. Scholars can access and download it online free of cost.

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Welcome Message

Dr. Ramesh Bharti

The IDA UP State Dental Journal is an official publication of the U.P. State branch of the Indian Dental Association. The journal aims at publishing researches, comprehensive reviews and reports from the all the clinical specialities of dentistry.

The journal is supported by a group of revered specialists. This peer reviewed journal has various national and international authors on the panel. The first issue of the journal was published in 1953.

Authors from various clinical specialities are invited to submit their original researches for publication in the journal with an aim to offer exchange of knowledge and raise the bar of dental education and research.


UP State Dental Journal

December 2023 Volume 4 Issue 1 & 2

About UP State Dental Journal

IDA UP state dental Journal is an official publication of the UP State Branch of the Indian Dental Association.

It is a peer reviewed, open access journal publishing high quality original research articles from all fields of dentistry.

The journal strives to be a platform for Academicians, new Researchers and Practioners to publish their work.

The journal strives to be a platform for Academicians, new Researchers and Practioners to publish their work.

Launching of Journal

The launch of UP State Dental Journal at FODS, KGMU by Dean FODS Prof. Anil Chandra in a virtual launching ceremony joined by entire IDA UP State.